125 x 125 Square
The 125×125 ads appear on every page in the sidebar for 30 days. Pricing is US$50 per button per month. Only four ad placements are available every month, appearing on every page. The button should be less than 15K in size. No Flash.
Purchase 125×125 Square

468 x 60 Header Banner
The 468×60 ad appears on every page at the top of the site in the header area, near the logo. Only two ad rotations are available every month. Pricing is US$100 per banner per month. The banner should be less than 15K in size. No Flash.
Purchase Header Banner

468 x 60 Below Article Banner
The 468×60 ad appears on every “single” page underneath an article. Only two ad rotations are available every month. Pricing is US$50 per banner per month. The banner should be less than 15K in size. No Flash.
Purchase Below Article Banner

Sponsored Reviews
Pricing is US$200 per review. Sponsored reviews will appear on WPGarage’s home page for at least 24 hours as the first article and will stay on the home page for at least 3 days in total, after which the review will remain in the archives.

The review will be honest and unbiased. Before publication, we will send you a draft of the review for your comments. You can expect to receive the draft within two weeks of purchase. For 48-hour (2 business days) turnaround, buy an “urgent sponsored review” at a premium rush rate of US$300.

We reserve the right to accept or deny requests for reviews on a case by case basis.
Purchase Sponsored Review

*Payment for all ads is via Paypal.