I think that dnScoop.com is more of a vanity tool than something really useful, but it’s fun anyways. According to the dnscoop.com About page, “dnScoop.com attempts to estimate a value for an established website or a domain name by using factors such as:

  • Links pointing to the domain
  • Popularity of the domain
  • Age of the domain
  • Pagerank of the domain
  • Traffic to the domain
  • and more…”

According to dnScoop, WordPressGarage.com is worth $12,669. Yeah right, but it’s a pretty number anyways. Here are the stats that this figure is based on:

  • The domain is over 11 months old.
  • The current PageRank is 4.
  • Total number of inbound links is 4951. They provide a link to browse all these incoming links.
  • Alexa Rank is 140,220. You can also click there to see traffic details from Alexa.
  • This site is sitting on a server with 489 other sites! That is definitely eye-opening.
  • A single text link ad on WPG would cost $10 a month. But we all know that text link ads are a big no-no now.

Pretty fun, no? So be a little vain and go see how much your site is worth.