The folks at Automattic have launched their WordPress Publisher Blog, which will:

“cover features that are often overlooked, we’ll highlight plugins that extend WordPress functionality, and we’ll showcase interesting sites being built with WordPress.”

So far the blog has three posts (one of which is sticky – which plugin are you using Raanan?). It’s hard to tell from three posts, but it seems like this blog aims to achieve what a lot of us WordPress bloggers are already doing.

So, are we going to become redundant, or will the WordPress Publisher Blog just join the club? It seems that this is another move by Automattic to take control of the WordPress user community, similar to their creation of the WordPress plugin directory. With the plugin directory, WordPress became the hub for the plugin community, and now they want news and reports on WordPress to come from them too. Makes sense, and I guess they could catch up pretty quickly since they are WordPress.

Anyways, it will be interesting to see how their blog pans out. If they do a good job, I think there might not be much of a point in continuing to invest time and energy in this kind of blog.

WordPress Publisher Blog