Here is a perfect example of why I love plugin developers! Weblog Tools Collection has released a new plugin that should help you really increase the stickiness of your site: Where did they go from here?

Here’s the description:

This plugin tries to create a similar group of links for your blog. If you have enough links in your theme (Contextual Related Posts plugin comes in handy) for readers to explore, then as and when readers click on links, this plugin checks to see if it was referred from your blog, checks to see if it can identify a post or a page from the information it has and then adds a link to the referring page.

This has everything all rolled into one: it creates a sense of community and keeps visitors on your site. You can see it in action on the Weblog Tools Collection site. What a brilliant idea!

I am going to test this out as soon as I have some time.

Where did they go from here?»