This plugin allows you to easily select where certain categories will appear and where they won’t. After activating the plugin, a new menu item appears under Manage called Category Visibility which lists all of your categories. For each category, you can select whether that category’s posts appear in the following areas of your blog:

  • Front: the front/main page.
  • List: the list of categories on the sidebar.
  • Search: search results.
  • Feed: feeds.
  • Archive: archive links.
  • User Level: Visibility on a user level basis. All users this level and higher can see categories as checked. Does not affect feed visibility.

I used this plugin to create a resource page where new resources could be easily added by the site’s owners, but they would not appear within the blog or on its sidebar.

The User Level feature adds an interesting option for user levels, such as the ability to ensure that only subscribers can see a certain type of content. I haven’t tried it out, but theoretically you could make sure that only subscribers can see some type of premium content on your site. However, RSS subscribers will be able to see this content, unless you un-select the visibility on feeds option.

There may be more possibilities that I haven’t thought of, but it seems like it can have a lot of uses.

Category Visiblity Plugin>>