One of the reasons I hesitated to use widgets is because there are many useful plugins that aren’t widgets and demand that you add a snippet of code to your sidebar, something you can’t really do with widgets.

Well, now you can widgetize your sidebar and add both widgets and non-widget plugins to it with the Custom Functions Widgets plugin.

When activated, this plugin creates 20 empty widgets. To use one of them for a non-widget plugin, you drag one onto the sidebar, and then edit the widget’s options as follows:

  1. Give it a title.
  2. Name the function you want to call.
  3. Enter the arguments to pass.
  4. HTML to display before the output of the function
  5. HTML to display after the output of the function
  6. Option to hide the title of the widget (which you specified as Widget title) during the output
  7. Option to remove the default wrapper of the widget (as defined in template.php of your theme’s folder, for each sidebar)
  8. Close the widget options pop-up and click ‘Save Changes’

Now your sidebar can handle all types of plugins and widgets!

WordPress Plugin: Custom Function Widgets