How to express my love for blogVault without sounding corny…

I’ve migrated many many sites. I’ve tried using lots of different plugins for migration such as Duplicator, WP Migrate, and others but there always seems to be a snag along the way, or a minor annoyance like having to upload an file like importer.php on the new server.

And then I migrated my first site using blogVault (aff) and it was a breeeeze! I haven’t been this excited about a plugin since Gravity Forms.

Use case: I needed to migrate a site from our development site to a new domain. Ex. from the url to the url

Here’s how the migration works in blogVault:

  1. Connect blogVault to your old/development site with their plugin
  2. Wait for blogVault to do a backup (shouldn’t take long) of your old/development site.
  3. On your new domain’s cPanel, create a new Database with users that have full privilege with the MySQL Wizard. Save that information because you’ll need to enter it into the BlogVault.
  4. In blogVault, click Migrate SiteblogVault Dashboard (1)
  5. Enter the FTP details of the new siteblogVault Dashboard (2)
  6. Choose the directory you’d like to migrate to from the blogVault user-friendly interface.
  7. Enter the Database details that you created in step 3.Migrating to a New Domain or URL - Blogvault (2)
  8. That’s it! You can kick your feet up and wait til you get an email from blogVault saying that your site is finished migrating.


A few notes:

If you’re moving to a new domain on a new server, because the domain is live but pointing to an old server, you will probably want to do a little trick with your “hosts” file on your computer, so you can see if your site is working properly before you update your DNS settings. See this post for instructions on how to do it.

If you’re moving to a new domain on the same server, and have a live site running, you can’t test out the migration, because it replaces the current, live site.