Kontera has created a WordPress plugin to make integration of their service into WordPress sites and blogs more streamlined.

For those of you who are not familiar with Kontera, it is a way to monetize your site by automatically adding hyperlinks to keywords within your text, which when clicked on, take readers to ads related to that word.

Here are the features of the plugin according to the Kontera blog:

  • It automatically configures their Java Script to analyze the main text body and stay away from areas of your header, footer, and sidebar.
  • Can be integrated into either WordPress or WordPress MU, and in the case of WordPress MU, the plugin enables the site administrator to configure revenue sharing.

I personally find Kontera to be a sneaky way to monetize a site, although many disagree. Here is the comment I posted on the TechCrunch post about their second round of financing:

I think Kontera is just plain sneaky. First of all, it looks almost exactly like a hyperlink. When I first came across them I remember clicking by mistake only to find some annoying ad in my face.

Second, don’t tell me that people are clicking on those ads because they’re interested in the advertised product. There’s no advertisement there – it’s just a word. Seeing the word “Ford” in a sentence does not mean I want to see an ad about it.

Basically, they don’t earn the clicks, and to me that’s sneaky.

But many bloggers swear by it as a way to monetize, and who knows – I may change my mind at some point.